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Repeater DETAIL Page 1/25/2025
W7RAT Repeater Detail Report    1/25/2025 5:56:09 PM
Repeater ID #21197 REPORT A PROBLEM (use this ID#21197 to reference this Repeater)
Call SignW7RAT
LocationPortland, Oregon
PL Tone123.0
Elevation1500 ft.(above sea level)
Auto PatchNo
Web Site
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Zip Code.97221 CLICK HERE to find local repeaters
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CommentsOpen IRLP node covering the entire Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area.
Last Update2/8/2009 7:20:39 PM
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Richard WilenKK7IBQWhen I am on 440.400 it saying it can’t connect to my note. I hope we can fix I really enjoy use this. KK7IBQ7/16/2024 5:41:29 AM28806
Richard WilenKK7IBQmy name is Richard Wilen KK7IBQ. IM using a BAOFENG BF-F8HP UV-5R 3rd Gen 8-Watt Dual Band. it say it can not connect to the note please contact to operator. my email is i hope you able to fix this soon.7/14/2024 12:44:27 AM28803
Scottkj7dtxI hope it can connect to the win system again. This is the only way I can figure to get on the trivia net around Gresham. Until I can figure out how to build my own node.11/6/2019 9:18:50 PM16819
IsaacW7BSBRepeater seems to have had spotty connection and static since the snow started a week ago. Not been easy picking up RX on two different systems.2/27/2019 1:10:50 AM16709
Dave TellingKJ7WTCant seem to bring up the repeater when I TX, but can hear others on it great. Set for 445.400 TX, and 123 PL. FT-70, tried several antennas.12/30/2018 11:04:30 AM16686
BrandonKE7VGHHave not heard or been able to make a contact on this repeater in weeks. Hope it will be back soon.6/14/2017 9:44:50 PM14341
kerry benedictKB7OKIm not able to hear any traffic from the Winsystem at all this week. I am a regular on the trivia net, Insomnianet nightly at 11pm, but have not heard anyone since last week. Im programmed on three radios and same on all of them.6/3/2017 12:56:04 AM14334
Gary NeumanKE7LBNHI MICHAEL, I live in Milwaukie and have not been able to click in on your repeater since several days to a week.Im hoping this situation will change. I really enjoy your repeater.yours truly, Gary Neuman. 3/4/2016 12:13:21 AM13950
David Williams SrKF7LQJlike what I hear for first time. I have tried to ck in from out in Sandy. Wife and I are listening. Probably doubled with someone. Wifes call is KF7LWC11/12/2013 8:25:23 AM11307
Don BaldwinAA2VThis repeater is always connected to the Western Reflector: Node #9250. You can hear people from all over the world.11/13/2010 2:04:35 PM10493
Gerold Nordeenkf7fvrGuess I can access your repeater from the Winsystem using node # 3039?
Another Ham told me that your repeater was permenantly nailed up on to a Nevada location?
Thank you
Gerold Jerry
10/26/2010 8:00:43 PM10477
Peter DeaneW7FMMEnjoyed the QSO. I can hear the repeater here in the bottom lands of Salem. FYI: Belmont was the track of which we spoke. My ex grew up in Floral Park. 73 Pete W7FMM
2/28/2010 1:50:17 PM10269
Gregory DeAinzaKE7KRC11/10/2009 Ther may be a problem with your node
for the western reflector. I was unable to access it
at all during gthe past two days.
11/11/2009 12:56:42 AM10164
Wayne HarrisonN7TQIQTH here in Eugene. Any chance of using the repeater? Wayne8/3/2009 12:23:28 PM10057
Keith Neumank7klbSunday 11:15 AM I think there is a problem on repeater/Reflector. FYI Keith5/3/2009 11:18:22 AM9922
Dale WeberKE7YUTIm new and I live in Beaverton. I only have a Yaesu VX-2 with 1.5W output and can not reach the W7RAT repeater. Are there any other IRLP nodes I may be able to reach?12/18/2008 11:43:21 AM9727
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