Lost Users Manuals
Replacement Operation Manuals

Lost the manual for your HT or Mobile rig?
Did you purchase a used radio and it did not come with a manual?
Do you have the manual but still can't work the radio quickly?
"LOST USERS MANUALS" contains operating instructions for all the popular amateur radios and scanners.
Manuals for : ICOM, Yaesu, Kenwood, Alinco, Standard, Uniden and other manufacturers' radios. Each radio is given 2 to 5 pages of drawings, charts and programming instructions. The book contains over 140 pages of instructions

Sample Page

The following radio are covered in the book:

ALD-24T, ALM-203, ALR-206, ALR-22T, DJ-100T, DJ-120T, DJ-160T, DJ-162T, DJ-460T, DJ-462T, DJ-500T, DJ-560, DR-110T, DR-112T, DR-410T, DR-510T, DR-590T

IC-02AT, IC-03AT, IC-04AT, IC-12AT, IC-2A, IC-2GAT, IC-2SAT, IC-2SRA, IC-3A, IC-3SAT, IC-4A, IC-4GAT, IC-4SAT, IC-4SRA, IC-12GAT, IC-24A, IC-27A, IC-37A, IC-47A, IC-900, IC-U2AT, IC-U4AT, IC-W2A

TH-21A, TH-25A, TH-31A, TH-41A, TH-45A, TH-55A, TH-215, TH-315, TH-415, TM-221, TM-231, TM-321, TM-331, TM-421, TM-431, TM-521, TM-531, TM-621, TM-631, TM-721, TM-731, TM-2530, TM-2550, TM-2570, TM-3530, TR-751, TR-851, TR-2400, TR-2500, TR-7930, TR-7950

FT-23R, FT-33R, FT-73R, FT-109, FT-209, FT-212, FT-227R, FT-290, FT-411, FT-470, FT-709, FT-712RH, FT-727, FT-811, FT-911, FT-2311, FT-2700, FT-4700

BC-55, BC-100, BC-100 XLT, BC-200 XLT, BC-560, BC-590, BC-760

PRO-32, PRO-38, PRO-39, PRO-2005, PRO-2030


Lost User Manuals sells for $19.95

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